Victorian law establishes that a duty of care is owed by the occupier or a business premises to do what is reasonably necessary to prevent harm to visitors.
If you are injured in a supermarket, you may have a right to seek compensation on this basis. However, it is important to understand that such claims are not based only on the fact that an accident occurred. You must show that you have suffered loss, and that the supermarket was negligent in some way.
In summary, your right to compensation will depend on:
- Whether your injury was a result of any negligence on the part of the supermarket.
- Whether the supermarket did all that was reasonable to prevent the likelihood of your injury occurring.
- Any insurance cover that the supermarket has in place.
- The extent of your injuries and the progress of your recovery.
- Whether you contributed to your injury in any way.
Ref: Wrongs Act 1958 (Vic) s 14B.