Any decision made by a WorkCover insurer may be referred to conciliation. Conciliation is meant to be a process controlled by the independent conciliator which allows discussion of the dispute. The conciliator helps you to find a way to resolve the dispute, but has only limited powers to make a binding decision.
You do not need a lawyer to go to conciliation, but you may find it helpful. You may want to take a friend with you.
What you need to do is:
- Within 60 days of the decision being notified to you, complete a Request for Conciliation form.
- Send the form and any medical reports supporting you, and a short written summary of what should happen and why, to the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service.
- A date for a conciliation meeting will be set, and you will be notified.
We can assist you:
- to lodge the conciliation request;
- to obtain all relevant material and file it with the Conciliation Service;
- by attending conciliation with you.
If you are not happy with a conciliation outcome, seek legal advice. You may be able to take the dispute to court for a decision.
Can I appeal to Court?
Yes. If conciliation is unsuccessful, you may issue proceedings in the Magistrates Court or County Court.
Sometimes medical questions are referred from conciliation or Court to a Medical Panel. A Medical Panel is made up of a number of doctors who will read the documentation, examine you and make a decision on the medical question which is then binding on the parties and on the Court.