Making a WorkCover Claim in Victoria

Once you have reported your injury to your employer by completing the Register of Injuries report, your next step is to complete and sign Part A of the Worker’s Injury Claim Form and lodge it to your employer in order to start receiving weekly payments and reimbursements for medical and the like expenses.

WorkCover Injury Claim Form

Download a copy of the Worker's Injury Claim Form PDF form, print it, complete section Part A and sign it, then submit it to your employer. If you need assistance with completing your WorkCover Claim forms? We're here to help. Simply get in touch with us, and we'll guide you through the process.

Download PDF

By law, your employer cannot refuse to take your Worker’s Injury Claim Form or dismiss you from making a claim. If you’re experiencing difficulties with your employer during this process, then it’s best to speak with one of our Personal Injury Lawyers. The best way to lodge your claim form with your employer is in person or by emailing it to them if your employer agrees. 

In rare circumstances, it may not be possible to lodge your claim form with your employer, which in that case, you can lodge it directly with Worksafe by contacting the WorkSafe Advisory Service.


Provide your employer with the original copy of the Worker's Injury Claim Form and make a copy for yourself.

Claiming WorkCover Weekly Payments

If you’re unable to do your normal job because of your work-related injury and you wish to begin claiming weekly payments, then you must obtain a WorkSafe Certificate of Capacity (medical certificate) from a medical practitioner and submit it to your employer together with your Worker’s Injury Claim Form. The initial Certificate of Capacity must only be for a maximum period of 14 days and must be completed and signed by a medical practitioner.

What needs to be included on the Certificate of Capacity?

Your initial Certificate of Capacity should include details about the nature of injury or illness – as also listed on your Worker’s Claim form – the period of time in which the injury has caused you to be off work, and any possible alternative duties that may be available for you to do while you’re recovering from your injury or illness and waiting for your claims process. 

If you’re unable to do your normal job work after 14 days, you can then obtain further certificates which will cover you for up to an additional 28 days, and they can be obtained by a doctor, chiropractor, physiotherapist or osteopath. 

You should provide your employer with your Certificates of Capacity as soon as possible so that your employer knows what weekly payments they should make. You can also provide such to your WorkCover insurer, via post, email or using the insurer’s app.


In certain circumstances, particularly for severe or long term injuries, a WorkSafe Agent can authorise ongoing Certificates of Capacity for periods longer than 28 calendar days.

Do I need to keep providing certificates, even if my claim is accepted?

If you are claiming weekly payments and you’re not able to perform your work duties, then you must continue to provide valid certificates unless a WorkSafe Agent tells you. If you’re claiming for treatment expenses only, then you won’t be required to provide Certificates of Capacity.


Ongoing Certificates of Capacity should also include your WorkCover Claim number.

Continue reading next...

Understanding WorkCover Claims (VIC)

Got any questions?

Our WorkCover Injury Lawyers are here and ready to answer any of your questions.

We are ready to listen to you and your story and help you move forward with your life. Call us for a free case evaluation. It doesn't cost you anything to know where you stand.

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