It is difficult to know exactly what a person is entitled to in terms of damages until their case has been explored thoroughly.
Arnold Dallas McPherson is comprised by experienced solicitors who understand how damages are calculated in any given circumstance and will be able to advise you as your case progresses. Many of the solicitors at Arnold Dallas McPherson are Personal Injury Specialists, accredited by the Law Institute of Victoria.
Pain and suffering damages are calculated based upon the effects of your injuries on you as an individual. They depend on how any given injury, or injuries, affect your day-to-day life, home duties, hobbies, recreational activities, pain levels, sleep, mood and various other facets of your life.
How the injury affects you is the key factor.
Loss of income damages can be for your past loss of earnings and also sometimes for your future loss of earning capacity. This can be a wide ranging calculation depending on your age, education, skills, training and experience in the workforce, when looked at in the context of your injuries suffered and your resultant disability.
It will depend significantly on your personal circumstances as to what you might be entitled to.
Again, how the injury affects you is the key factor in this calculation.